I was re-reading for the 999th time Kailey's information we got at referral and thought I would share some of what was given to us:
She is a tiny thing, at last medical only 26.5 lbs, which was several months ago, so I bet she had gained some lbs.
She was abandoned at the Princess Tombaround 6 months old Shenyang City, Liaoning Province
She is smart
She is introverted and quiet
She is a deep sleeper (Woo Hoo...my words not theirs!)
She can be obstinate
She loves outdoor activities
She likes to look at herself in the mirror!
She likes to be beautiful and dress up!
Favorite toy is dolls
She is very helpful with her foster mother, helps carry laundry and will give her mother a matchto light the stove (sooo not going to continue with that-we don't play with matches!)
She is bed pan trained (still trying to figure exactly what that means)
My goal is to put a smile on that beautiful face!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
I look at this beautiful little girl...my daughter, and am amazed by God's blessings on us and so very grateful. I just want to kiss those cheeks good night every night for the next 15 years (or until she grows out of it..I never will!)...We missed her first 3+ years so we have some making up for lost time...missed birthdays, holidays, milestones, tears of joy or pain.
Also you will see the 3 rotating pictures as we only have 3 pictures! But that is ok by me!