Saturday, May 26, 2012


I found myself a bit jaded (and yes a bit jealous) over all the hoopla of F/B going public last week.  In my mind I was thinking a 20 something "kid" made more money than most everyone I know (combined????) will ever see in their life time.  I did comment that at least he still lived humbly, and must of been raised with the appreciation of money...but basically that was it...

But a gentleman I work with who was born and raised in the Middle East put it in complete perspective for me by saying three simple words...

Only in America..

He went onto say that only in America and can a young man dream of having of an idea and actually freely into motion.  Were there missteps I am sure of it (Hello...I did see the Social Network!) BUT we have to remember not all the countries in this world allow the free thinking, the ability to get it off the ground and work tirelessly to see it come to fruition...I emphasize the word 'freely' as that is where this idea cultivates first with a mind free to think up F/B or the next big thing.  

As an American, I take this mindset for granted...I expect entrepeneurs to be able to freely think about what is the next big idea.  My ego doesn't remind me enough that living in America, being an America is truly a blessing.  Some countries do not cultivate free thinking/free ideas, and some countries harshly punish free think..they try to squash it. That is something that I can not fathom, as I have always been free to think. 

Freedom is not free, and there are those who gave their life so you and I can enjoy the free lifestyle we've come to expect.  
This is the weekend we will honor the military and their families as we reflect their sacrifices and those who paid the ultimate price we will say thank you one more time.  

How lucky are we as Americans are free to think? 
Very I'd say...
Very very lucky.

And who doesn't love hearing those three little words...

No not those 3 words....silly 
but these:
Only in America!

Thank You for your service!

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