Kailey is doing
better, she is adjusting as are we....still a few tantrums just not like first night...thank you
She has been taught well, she picks up her toys, cleans
up the room, folds her clothes, brushes her teeth, combs her hair, made her bed
(& put a diaper on her stuffed animal) & she is potty trained!!!! All without us
asking her too.
She loves
fruits/veggies/yogurt...drinks lots of water too...loves the bath and to wash
her hands. Pink is defiantly her favorite color!!! She took over my
pink tote (even though it is bigger than her!)
We are off to a
museum today! 3-story Walmart was not fun,
the amusement park a bust. Thaey
keep the animals in tiny cages, sad site..Maggie our guide is great!
Lori's been sick, but feelin better...will never complain
about Texas pollution again! Miss home..
Flight tomorrow, so prayers for smooth flight and that
typhoon moves away from where we are going!!!!
Love to All
She is mothering her baby!!! Note pink tote!!
AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Prayers are being answered!