In the month Kailey has:
*Met all of her family, several close friends...bonded with a few too!
*Visited her new school ( will be once the bureaucracy red tape gets cut)
*Celebrated our first Christmas Eve Service
*Celebrated four family Christmas's, including a white Christmas....
Each brought a smile to her face as she experienced so many firsts, including what Santa brought her
*Eaten just about every food put in front of her.
*Did well with a babysitter (aka her Auntie Lucia!)
*Adjusting to living with 2 dogs...who lives have changed dramatically! She is getting comfy enough to pet them gently.
*Has still NOT taken a nap (noted in her file that she did I miss that!)
*Is NOT afraid of the dark (again as her file noted she was)
*Is not sleeping as well as we would like...she is a light sleeper (again was noted she was a deep sleeper)
*Went to the Doctor, for hearing tests and a starting to form a plan. (Today)...Has at least 2 more Dr appt next week too.
*Unfortunately has strep throat and fever (thank goodness we were already going to the above Doctor, so he treated her for that too).
*She feels safe, trusting her parents and new life and changes, and no longer gathering food.
*Love to brush her teeth, wash her hands, folds her closes and sets the table...all without being asked...She is a very, very good helper
*Is giving huge bear hugs and kisses to Momma and Daddy,
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