Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Be Kind to Others...You Never Know When You Might Need a Kidney

This is a motto I think we all should live by...Think about it for a minute...you never know when you may need a kidney or blood transfusion or other body parts...so you better be nice to the person next to you!

I try...I mean I really try to be the person my dogs think I am...They are happy to see me when I walk in the door...from a long day away or just getting the mail...my dogs love me no matter if I am thin (I am so not) or not thin...they do not care if my hair or make up is done (usually not). They think I am the kind of person they just want to hang with...all the time...literally.

So that gets me thinking...am I really a nice person? I hope so, I mean I do not deliberately ever try to harm or hurt anyone or animals.  I do get angry at injustice and cruelty.  I do try to treat others as I would want to be treated...a person is a person...no one person starts out greater than another...I mean there are just some things ALL humans do the same, even Queen Elizabeth!  It is those pesky learned behaviors that get people off track most the time (crime, hate, greed, prejudice, conceit)...I get there is evil amongst us, but I think there are more angels.  My glass is half full.

I have thought for a long time, that this world would be a nicer place if every person on earth had to work in retail and be a waiter each for a month each of their lives...they see the good and the bad in all kinds of people. I will fess up to purposely tripping and spilling a glass of tea on a man who patted me on the touchy when I was a waitress...it was not nice...but what he did was not either...(Geez, I hate it when I hear my Mom's voice...'two wrongs don't make a right'.)  

I am perfectly flawed (above confession an example) as is every person I know and every person I do not know.  Perfection is over rated in us humans...no one will ever, ever achieve it.

Remember (and remind me too) to be kind...because you just never ever really know what you might need...down the road.

(This of course is my opinion.)

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